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Expanded Bio for Malcolm Miller, Coroner Candidate


Hello, my name is Malcolm Miller and I am a candidate for Boyle County Coroner. I am a lifelong resident of Boyle County and look forward to serving as your next Coroner.

I am a graduate of Danville High School and a hold an Associate Degree from the University of Kentucky Community College system. In 2016 I retired from Boyle County EMS serving Boyle County for 30 years. From 1986 to 1994 I served on the Danville-Boyle County Rescue Squad and from 1994 to 2016 I served at Boyle County EMS. I had an integral part in forming Boyle County EMS and was a part of the initial staff hired.

During all of those years of service we worked with the Coroner’s office many, many times. We were very often the first line of response and called the coroner if that service was needed. Many times, we were the ones that had to tell families that there was nothing that we could do and then prepared them for what the next steps were when the Coroner arrived.

I spent a lot of time in my teenage years at Dr. James Ramey’s home as his step son Ben Myers was and still is one of my closest friends. I was always interested in what he did not only as a physician but as the Coroner. He was always willing to answer my questions and provide insight as to how different cases were handled. After joining the rescue squad that relationship continued to grow and I learned more and more from him regarding the different cases we worked on together.

The Coroner is an investigator, not a Medical Examiner. I definitely have the inquisitive mindset that is necessary to be an excellent Coroner. Having worked in EMS for so many years and in the funeral business I feel like that I have the compassion, integrity and trust of the people I have served.

Dr. Ramey and his Deputies, Mike Wilder and King Pruitt served with all of those qualities and I plan to build on that to continue that service as your Coroner. I would have never run against Dr. Ramey or Mike Wilder. I had too much respect for both of them and know that they would have been elected regardless of who ran against them. When Mike passed away I knew it was the right time to run. I immediately sought the nomination from the Democratic party to be a candidate for Coroner. No one had to ask or convince me that I needed to file.

I have spent my entire career in Public Service and this is just another step in that ambition to do what I love. It is my pledge to the people to serve you like I would serve my family.

I am married to Amy Riley Miller and we have 3 children. Sara Beth, a freshman at EKU, Jacob Sims, a Lexington Firefighter and Hannah Sims, a first-grade teacher at Buckner Elementary School in Oldham County.

For more information you can find me on Facebook at Malcolm Miller for Boyle County Coroner.

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