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Democratic Meetings in January and February


We will not be having the usual monthly meeting on the first Tuesday of January.


Instead, as we have done for the past few years, I urge everyone to come to the meeting of the Women’s Network on the second Tuesday, the 14th, and Intercounty Energy, 7pm.  Reporter Teri Carter will be talking about the issues before the Kentucky General Assembly, which will be in its 30-day session by then.


In February, we will have a meeting on the first Tuesday, the 4th, also at 7pm.  This will be on the Centre College campus, upstairs in the Carnegie building on College Street.  This will be a joint meeting with Centre Democrats and the newly formed Students Demand Action.  We invite all Women’s Network friends to join us.  The topics of this meeting will include Party reorganization, which will take place later in the spring, a post-mortem of the General Assembly session, and some discussion of gun policy.


We hope to see many of you at each event.

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